Rail, shipping and other modes of transport | Istituto Giordano
Giombattista Traina

Giombattista Traina
Tel. 0541 322.349
E-mail g.traina@giordano.it

Rail, shipping and other modes of transport


There are different test activities in the transport sector and these may be with or without certification.

Some products designed to be installed on ships fall within the scope of Directive 2014/90/EU (MED). These are subject to all of the test methods specified by IMO 2010 FTP CODE before the EC mark of conformity for marine equipment can be affixed (Wheel Mark). Besides being a test laboratory, Istituto Giordano is also a notified body, see MED - marine equipment page.

In the rail sector, materials and/or products have to comply with standards EN 45454-2 for Europe and, for a limited period, UNI CEI 11170-3 in Italy. The two classification methods refer to various test standards, basically depending on the product’s location on the railway carriage. Results then have to be compared with different limits according to Safety Integrity Level. The main standards for European classification include ISO 5658-2, ISO 5660-1, ISO 5659-2, ISO 9239-1 and ISO 11925-2, while the most common for Italian classification are UNI 9174, UNI 8457, UNI 8465, UNI 9175 and NF F 16-101, UNI EN ISO 1716.

The automobile sector is essentially regulated by the specifications of each individual manufacturer, but all standards derive to some extent from standard ISO 3795 and FMVSS 302, based on small flame impingement with horizontal flame spread. Examples of this type of specification include VOLVO VCS 5031, Volkswagen TL1010, PV 3904 and FIAT 7-G2000. On the other hand, some specifications, such as Toyota-TSM0504G, refer to methods based on UL 94.

In the case of certain passenger vehicles, the use of some materials requires approval from the vehicle licensing authorities following tests to determine burning behaviour complying with Regulation No. 118: “Uniform technical prescriptions concerning the burning behaviour and/or the capability to repel fuel or lubricant of materials used in the construction of certain categories of motor vehicles”. The Regulation specifies a test based on standard ISO 3795 for materials installed in a horizontal position, a melting behaviour with flaming droplets test and a test for products installed in a vertical position.

The Aerospace sector is regulated by 'manufacturers' standards and specifications. The laboratory conducts tests in accordance with the FAR/CS Part 25 method.

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