Environmental Chemistry | Istituto Giordano
Alessandro Lorenzi

Alessandro Lorenzi
Tel. 0541 322.255
E-mail a.lorenzi@giordano.it

Environmental Chemistry

In our Chemical Analysis Lab are followed the issues relating to environmental pollution (analysis of water, emissions into the atmosphere, waste, assessment of the healthiness of workplaces, etc..)

  • Chemistry analysis on soil and excavating rocks for classification according to D. Lvo. 4/08, modify of D.Lgs. 152/2006
  • Analysis of water ( drinking, waste and process water ) ex D.Lgs 152/2006
  • Analysis of characterisation and assignment of CER codes on refuse
  • Characterisation of wood pellet according to UNI/TS 11263:2007
  • Classification of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) according to UNI 9903
  • Sampling and analysis of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere
  • Sampling and analysis of heavy metals and asbestos in workplaces according to D.I 277/91
  • Sampling and analysis of free, crystalline silica
  • Control of global and specific migration on food containers, Decree of 6 April 2004, n°174 and UNI EN 1186-1 of 2003
  • Determination of asbestos content on materials and asbestos exposure risk Assessment according to Ministerial Decree 06 September 1994
  • Control for CE marking on toys
  • Release of nickel from articles that are in direct and prolonged contact with human skin, UNI EN 1811
  • Chemical analysis on materials according to Directive ROHS 2002/95/ EC of 27/01/2003
  • Analysis on volatile organic compounds (VOC or COV) – UNI EN ISO 16000-9
  • Emission test of Formaldehyde according to UNI EN 717-1, UNI EN 717-2 and UNI EN 717-3.

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