Keymark certification for thermal insulation products | Istituto Giordano
Paolo Ricci

Paolo Ricci
Tel. 0541.322354

Keymark certification for thermal insulation products

Keymark Certification

What is Keymark?
Keymark is the CEN (European Committee for Standardization) certification scheme for marking products including thermal insulation products and for CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation).
This is voluntary certification managed by third party organisations to provide assurance that the product conforms to requirements indicated in CEN and CENELEC European standards (
Therefore Keymark is effectively a European product quality symbol bringing national standards in line with European requirements and increasing confidence in the various European countries’ national standards and promoting the recognition of the same quality in national certification schemes.
Organisations authorised to grant Keymark certification
Certification bodies for Keymark m7st be authorised by the CEN Certification Board following approval by the national CEN member body, i.e. UNI in Italy. The Keymark cerification scheme is managed by the SDG 5 (Scheme Development Group 5) for thermal insulation products.
This recognition has been granted to Istituto Giordano following its participation in European inter-laboratory comparative testing for the measurement of thermal conductivity which demonstrated that the deviation from average values of thermal conductivity measurement resulting from testing carried out in our laboratory are within the limits specified by the SDG 5, i.e. deviation from average values of less than 1,5 %.
This Keymark authorisation demonstrates IG’s technical competence for the measurement of thermal conductivity of building materials, in addition to the authorisation relating to the same typology of measurement listed below:
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